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2000 BC 8th C. 15th C. 18th C. 19th C. 1900 1986
The Tartessos | 2 000 B.C.

It is believed that the Tartessos were the first to grow vines in the Iberian Peninsula. Wine would be used as a transaction currency in the metal trade.

The Phoenicians | 10th Century BC

The Phoenicians were looking for silver and tin in the estuaries of Guadiana, Sado, Tejo and Mondego. In exchange for metals, these people would offer amphoras filled with wine. The Phoenicians are very likely to have brought new grape varieties to Portugal.

The Greeks | 7th Century BC
The Greeks occupied the Iberian Peninsula and developed winemaking techniques. In Alcácer do Sal there are still traces of instruments used by the Greeks.

The Celts and Iberians | 6th Century BC

The Celts settled in the Iberian Peninsula. They had wine knowledge and brought some vines with them. They may also have introduced new cooperage methods. Later, the Celts merged with the Iberians, giving birth to the Celtiberian people.

The Romans | 2nd Century BC

The Romans conquered the Iberian Peninsula and were responsible for major developments in wine culture. They introduced new grape varieties and improved vine growing techniques, namely pruning. The wine would be sent to Rome, since this city’s production was not enough to satisfy demand.

The Barbarians| 7th Century AC

After numerous battles the Barbarians (namely the Suevi and Visigoths) managed to expel the Romans from the Iberian Peninsula. They adopted Roman religion and customs, among which the wine, but didn’t develop the practice of growing vines. Wine was also used in religious ceremonies.
