(Free translation: Vine support)
Regime de apoio à reconversão e reestruturação das vinhas vitis
(free translation: Support system for the conversion and restructuring of the vitis vines)
IFADAP (Instituto de Financiamento e Apoio ao Desenvolvimento da Agricultura e das Pescas – Institute for Financing and Supporting the Development of Agriculture and Fisheries) manages the incentive programme for vine conversion and/or relocation. Moreover, it intends to improve vine management techniques through changes in the viticulture system and improvements in agricultural infrastructures.
This support is available to anyone who is or becomes a vinegrower and who has a vineyard or a valid title to explore one.
Instituto de Financiamento e Apoio ao Desenvolvimento da Agricultura e das Pescas
Rua Castilho nº 45 a 51
1269-163 Lisboa
Tel.: (+351) 213 84 60 00
Fax: (+351) 213 84 61 70
E-mail: ifadap.site@ifadap.min-agricultura.pt
Site: www.ifadap.min-agricultura.pt/index.html